Natasha Briscoe – Full Presentation – The Hidden Science Of Black Hair (2019)

Black Hair is in a state of crisis. This shocking statement was made by author Audrey Davis-Sivasothy in her revealing book ‘The Science of Black Hair’. But is it true? Is it true that nearly 80% of hair products aimed at black people contain chemicals linked to cancer, infertility and obesity? Is it true that black hair is harder to manage, wash and style? And is it true that black hair ‘shrinks’ in water? Conversely, is it true that black hair defies gravity? Is it true that black hair conducts electricity? And is it true that black hair act as antennas for spiritual intuition? This event will explore all of the above and more using science as the backbone for each presentation. There is so much confusion surrounding the natural hair of black people. Thus, this event will provide an insight into the hidden truths of black hair that are hiding in plain sight.


Ancient Kemet

Black Hair

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